38 D - Gini you will always be #1 with me

Created by Jacquelyn 10 years ago
I met Gini over 30 years ago, as a new employee of Patrick SooHoo Designers. But I learned to love Gini as she adopted me into her circle of loved ones, that I felt so privileged to be apart of. Gini was my dearest friend, my mentor, my role model, my laugh partner. She was everything that I wanted to be. I was so lucky that she took me under her wing. As our years together grew, our love and friendship grew also. I married - and she adopted my "hippy" husband. Jerry. I had two wonderful children, Kelly & Michael, and she promptly adopted both of them. Gini was the most generous and giving soul on the planet, and my growing family experienced her every generosity. Every Christmas, every birthday, every special occasion ~ there were always big boxes that the kids would squeal to see and enjoy from "Auntie Gini". For years and years, every card would read " Big hugs & kisses, Auntie Gini". In addition to all that she did for my kids, we often spoke of world events and injustices that were happening on the planet. It was not unlike the two of us to strike up a conversation that ignited passions in us both about how we should protect the world at all costs. On one such "discussion", where both our passions were ignited, and influenced by the wonders of a glass or two of wine, she made a statement - that ended up becoming apart of our "female friendship mantra" -- she said " I will just march up to city hall and say Hey - I'm 38-D--don't mess with me!" The 38-D was her bra size. And it truly said it all. So much so, that we both would use these bra-size statements as our sign off to each other for years. Even as Gini started to dabble in the creative world, she would send me bowls and platters she had made at "Color me world" with the signature on the bottom "38-D". These beautiful creations have long been a staple of all our family gatherings. And are even more cherished now that she is gone. I would be remiss if I did not say, that her passing has caused our family immense personal heartache. I loved her. I will always love her. And I will miss her all the days of my life. Jackie Moe Benner
